Monsters in Steps of Madness missing idle mesh #396

opened 2023-12-29 03:14:11 +01:00 by gigabite1123 · 4 comments
gigabite1123 commented 2023-12-29 03:14:11 +01:00 (Migrated from

There are multiple monsters in steps of madness that fail to have a mesh until death:


betrayer of memory(no mesh):
Extended location information:

  • 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

thief of reason(no mesh):
Extended location information:

  • 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

betrayer of memory(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

guardian of thought(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

guardian of thought(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

frazzled nerves(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 247.3, 315.7, 31.5 (247.3 315.7 y 31.5 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 4, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Downward Spiral"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:00:00 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

guardian of thought(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 259.9, 195.3, 29.1 (259.9 195.3 y 29.1 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 5, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Daylight Breakthrough"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:01:39 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

guardian of thought(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 259.2, 191.7, 30.1 (259.2 191.7 y 30.1 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 5, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Daylight Breakthrough"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:01:41 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

roving eye(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 190.0, 285.6, 27.8 (190.0 285.6 y 27.8 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 3, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Notum Alley"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:58:36 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

Mind fragment(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 170.3, 263.4, 26.9 (170.3 263.4 y 26.9 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 13, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Dinobone Room"
    Server id: 102374, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:55:26 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

Jealousy(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 157.9, 224.8, 26.0 (157.9 224.8 y 26.0 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 1, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Green Circle of Death"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:53:53 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

Roving eye 1(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 147.2, 141.5, 23.9 (147.2 141.5 y 23.9 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 12, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Room of Corpses"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:51:59 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

Roving eye 2(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 147.2, 141.5, 23.9 (147.2 141.5 y 23.9 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 12, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Room of Corpses"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:51:59 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

brain splitter(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 89.2, 111.9, 26.9 (89.2 111.9 y 26.9 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 11, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Dragonhead Room"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:50:51 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

foundation of sanity(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 78.8, 159.0, 27.8 (78.8 159.0 y 27.8 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 14, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Bypassed Corridor"
    Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:48:15 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

roving eye(no mesh until killed):
Extended location information:

  • 76.8, 114.9, 27.2 (76.8 114.9 y 27.2 1933)
  • Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933
  • zone: 11, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Dragonhead Room"
    Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:49:40 (UTC)
    Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

Saece [66 Fixer]

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There are multiple monsters in steps of madness that fail to have a mesh until death: ![Capture1]( betrayer of memory(no mesh): Extended location information: - 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. thief of reason(no mesh): Extended location information: - 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. betrayer of memory(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. guardian of thought(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. guardian of thought(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 256.8, 130.6, 27.7 (256.8 130.6 y 27.7 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 9, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Throne Room" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:02:53 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. frazzled nerves(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 247.3, 315.7, 31.5 (247.3 315.7 y 31.5 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 4, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Downward Spiral" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:00:00 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. guardian of thought(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 259.9, 195.3, 29.1 (259.9 195.3 y 29.1 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 5, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Daylight Breakthrough" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:01:39 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. guardian of thought(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 259.2, 191.7, 30.1 (259.2 191.7 y 30.1 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 5, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Daylight Breakthrough" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 02:01:41 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. roving eye(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 190.0, 285.6, 27.8 (190.0 285.6 y 27.8 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 3, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Notum Alley" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:58:36 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. Mind fragment(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 170.3, 263.4, 26.9 (170.3 263.4 y 26.9 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 13, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Dinobone Room" Server id: 102374, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:55:26 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. Jealousy(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 157.9, 224.8, 26.0 (157.9 224.8 y 26.0 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 1, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Green Circle of Death" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:53:53 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. Roving eye 1(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 147.2, 141.5, 23.9 (147.2 141.5 y 23.9 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 12, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Room of Corpses" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:51:59 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. Roving eye 2(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 147.2, 141.5, 23.9 (147.2 141.5 y 23.9 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 12, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Room of Corpses" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:51:59 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. brain splitter(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 89.2, 111.9, 26.9 (89.2 111.9 y 26.9 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 11, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Dragonhead Room" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:50:51 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. foundation of sanity(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 78.8, 159.0, 27.8 (78.8 159.0 y 27.8 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 14, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Bypassed Corridor" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:48:15 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. roving eye(no mesh until killed): Extended location information: - 76.8, 114.9, 27.2 (76.8 114.9 y 27.2 1933) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:1933 GS=0 SG=0 R=1933, resource: 1933 - zone: 11, area: "Steps of Madness", room: "Dragonhead Room" Server id: 639, character id: 50000:639, time: 2023-12-29 01:49:40 (UTC) Version: 00.3.6_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. Saece [66 Fixer] ------------------------------------ strength 825 stamina 806 agility 815 sense 857 psychic 803 intelligence 806 nextxp 4636050 lastsavexp 265700 xp 4379115 waitstate 2 lastxp 4356050 lastsaved 2609550 minmembers 4 isfightingme 8 charstate 0 exitstatel -1069940611 externaldoorinstance 0 externalplayfieldinstance 716 driveground 2209 drivewater 2209 mapnavigation 2207 playfieldtype 1 selectedtargettype 0 expansionplayfield 0 treatment 2204 concealment 2211 breakingentry 2205 disarmtrap 2249 perception 2278 driveair 2209 biologicalmetamorphose 2254 psychologicalmodification 2231 materialcreation 2201 materiallocation 2225 senseimprovement 2238 firstaid 2234 nanoprogramming 2201 computerliteracy 2201 psychology 2207 chemistry 2201 tutoring 2243 materialmetamorphose 2268 runspeed 1291 mechanicalengineering 2202 electricalengineering 2202 fieldquantumphysics 2201 weaponsmithing 2203 pharmaceuticals 2201 physicalprowessinitiative 2209 nanoprowessinitiative 2210 dodge 2314 evade 2340 duck 2273 nanoac 2027 burst 2269 fullauto 2204 bowspecialattack 2208 lr_multipleweapon 2270 closecombatinitiative 2209 distanceweaponinitiative 2277 submachinegun 2336 shotgun 2204 rifle 2207 lr_energyweapon 2206 flingshot 2230 aimedshot 2274 throwingknife 2206 grenade 2207 throwngrapplingweapons 2204 bow 2208 pistol 2207 assaultrifle 2205 twohandedgedweapons 2204 meleeenergyweapon 2201 parry 2208 sneakattack 2205 meleemultiple 2204 fastattack 2207 adventuring 2203 swim 2202 onehandbluntweapons 2204 onehandedgedweapon 2203 piercing 2203 twohandbluntweapons 2203 nanoenergypool 1002 maxnanoenergy 2003214 martialarts 2266 brawl 2272 riposte 2209 dimach 2211 health 2180025 selectedtarget 639 currentmovementmode 3 side 1 life 2103414 bodydevelopment 1001 level 66 sex 2 visualsex 2 titlelevel 3 equippedweapontype 0 EquippedRHWeapon 0 expansion 3 fatness 2 breed 2 visualbreed 2 profession 4 visualprofession 4 flags 528961 monsterscale 100 currentnano 167102 headmesh 40271 cash 75955 gmlevel 511 maxncu 2224 monsterdata 0 team 0 healdelta 100019 reflectradiationac 200 reflectprojectileac 200 reflectenergyac 200 reflectfireac 200 reflectcoldac 200 reflectchemicalac 200 reflectpoisonac 200 reflectmeleeac 200 projectileac 20000 energyac 20000 meleeac 20000 coldac 20000 fireac 20000 chemicalac 20508 radiationac 20000 poisonac 20000 xpmodifier 500 beltslots 6 race 1 accountflags 1234567890 VisualFlags 31 clan 0 healinterval 3 nanointerval 2 aggdef 100 state 0 unarmedtemplateinstance 0 invaderskilled 0 killedbyinvaders 0 vp 0 unsavedxp 0 nanofocuslevel 0 specialization 0 shadowbreedtemplate 0 shadowbreed 0 lastperkresettime 0 socialstatus 0 playeroptions 0 tempsaveteamid 0 tempsaveplayfield 0 tempsavex 0 tempsavey 0 PVPDuelKills 0 PVPDuelDeaths 0 PVPProfessionDuelKills 0 PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 0 PVPRankedSoloKills 0 PVPRankedSoloDeaths 0 PVPRankedTeamKills 0 PVPRankedTeamDeaths 0 PVPSoloScore 0 PVPTeamScore 0 PVPDuelScore 0 unreadmailcount 0 lastmailchecktime 1283065897 savedxp 0 features 6 apartmentsallowed 1 apartmentsowned 0 lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 0 mapoptions 0 mapareapart1 0 mapareapart2 0 mapareapart3 0 mapareapart4 0 missionbits1 0 missionbits2 0 missionbits3 0 missionbits4 0 missionbits5 0 missionbits6 0 missionbits7 0 missionbits8 0 missionbits9 0 missionbits10 0 missionbits11 0 missionbits12 0 sessiontime 1234567890 autoattackflags 5 personalresearchlevel 0 globalresearchlevel 0 personalresearchgoal 0 globalresearchgoal 0 battlestationside 0 battlestationrep 10 members 999 veteranpoints 0 monthspaid 0 PaidPoints 0 xpkillrange 5 inplay 0 attitude 0 alignment 0 icon 0 mesh 17530 deadtimer 0 currentmass 0 itemtype 0 previoushealth 50 currentstate 0 age 0 attackspeed 5 metatype 0 rp 0 specialcondition 1 sk 0 clanredeemed 0 clanconserver 0 clandevoted 0 otunredeemed 0 otoperator 0 otfollowers 0 gos 0 clanvanguards 0 ottrans 0 clangaia 0 otmed 1234567890 clansentinels 0 otarmedforces 0 playerid 1234567890 alienlevel 0 aliennextxp 1500 alienxp 0 insurancepercentage 0 prevmovementmode 3 teamside 0 absorbprojectileac 0 absorbmeleeac 0 absorbenergyac 0 absorbchemicalac 0 absorbradiationac 0 absorbcoldac 0 absorbnanoac 0 absorbfireac 0 absorbpoisonac 0 temporaryskillreduction 0 insurancetime 0 mapflags 0 changesidecount 0 amsmodifier 0 damageoverridetype 0 meleedamagemodifier 0 xppool 0 ip 743500 dmsmodifier 0 reflectreturnedchemicalac 0 shieldchemicalac 0 npcostmodifier 0 reflectreturnedpoisonac 0 shieldpoisonac 0 reflectreturnedcoldac 0 shieldcoldac 0 reflectreturnedenergyac 0 shieldenergyac 0 specialattackshield 0 reflectreturnedmeleeac 0 shieldmeleeac 0 ------------------------------------
portalerprk commented 2023-12-29 16:09:38 +01:00 (Migrated from

Some crat droids also missing.

Some crat droids also missing.
prkdrake commented 2024-01-06 06:02:42 +01:00 (Migrated from

Happens for several MP pets too. Noticed it on the heal pets.

Happens for several MP pets too. Noticed it on the heal pets.
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-01-28 17:17:15 +01:00 (Migrated from

Confirmed. Most non-boss mobs in SoM are missing textures.

Confirmed. Most non-boss mobs in SoM are missing textures.
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-02-23 04:36:56 +01:00 (Migrated from

This has been fixed. Mobs and bosses in SoM now wear their appropriate textures.

This has been fixed. Mobs and bosses in SoM now wear their appropriate textures.
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Reference: prk/issues#396
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