Swapping items with the same stat modifiers exponentially increases the stat until zone. (Stacking) #472

opened 2024-01-16 20:17:12 +01:00 by RaggyLP · 7 comments
RaggyLP commented 2024-01-16 20:17:12 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Describe the bug
Swapping an item with the same modifiers on it will increase the stat by the same amount infinitely, until the player zones.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get 2 of the same item, with the same modifiers on.
  2. Equip one of them.
  3. 'Swap' the item, by left clicking the item in the inventory and clicking on the already equipped item.
  4. This can be repeated continuously and works with any stat listed on an item.

Expected behavior
An items previous stat increase/modifier should be cleared when a new item is placed in that slot.


Character info:

Raggy [220 Trader]
    materialmetamorphose 	554
    lr_energyweapon 	278
    breakingentry 	351
    summonedfrom_pf 	566
    summonedfrom_x 	470
    summonedfrom_y 	25
    summonedfrom_z 	320
    strength 	959
    stamina 	932
    agility 	1144
    sense 	1123
    psychic 	1102
    intelligence 	1118
    flags 	528961
    monsterscale 	112
    currentnano 	9974
    headmesh 	223891
    cash 	899993042
    gmlevel 	127
    expansion 	3
    breed 	2
    visualbreed 	2
    profession 	7
    visualprofession 	7
    level 	220
    sex 	2
    visualsex 	2
    titlelevel 	7
    health 	10176
    equippedweapontype 	17412
    EquippedRHWeapon 	17412
    selectedtarget 	764
    debug 	0
    nextxp 	3067008
    xp 	2555840
    lastsaved 	2555840
    lastxp 	2555840
    bodydevelopment 	1359
    runspeed 	1612
    nanoenergypool 	1764
    nanoac 	1066
    shotgun 	1421
    senseimprovement 	1489
    treatment 	1788
    biologicalmetamorphose 	1492
    psychologicalmodification 	1530
    materialcreation 	1488
    materiallocation 	1498
    nanoprowessinitiative 	1870
    flingshot 	1281
    duck 	1446
    dodge 	1446
    evade 	1446
    currentmovementmode 	3
    waitstate 	1
    computerliteracy 	1702
    selectedtargettype 	0
    isfightingme 	0
    currentncu 	138
    side 	1
    exitstatel 	-1073348481
    externaldoorinstance 	0
    externalplayfieldinstance 	0
    playfieldtype 	0
    specialization 	15
    alignment 	1750
    firstaid 	744
    nanoprogramming 	713
    concealment 	659
    maxnanoenergy 	9971
    electricalengineering 	529
    mapnavigation 	528
    tutoring 	528
    driveair 	530
    chemistry 	455
    driveground 	532
    drivewater 	532
    fieldquantumphysics 	536
    perception 	532
    pharmaceuticals 	479
    mechanicalengineering 	481
    weaponsmithing 	505
    pistol 	621
    psychology 	532
    disarmtrap 	354
    lr_multipleweapon 	1225
    grenade 	562
    rifle 	368
    throwingknife 	424
    distanceweaponinitiative 	405
    sneakattack 	329
    aimedshot 	375
    burst 	356
    fullauto 	394
    bowspecialattack 	383
    swim 	402
    adventuring 	438
    martialarts 	273
    onehandbluntweapons 	241
    onehandedgedweapon 	256
    meleeenergyweapon 	256
    twohandedgedweapons 	237
    piercing 	330
    twohandbluntweapons 	236
    throwngrapplingweapons 	427
    bow 	274
    submachinegun 	439
    assaultrifle 	443
    maxncu 	415
    fatness 	1
    race 	1
    accountflags 	1234567890
    life 	10161
    monsterdata 	0
    VisualFlags 	31
    clan 	0
    team 	0
    projectileac 	2600
    energyac 	2600
    meleeac 	2600
    fireac 	2841
    coldac 	2600
    chemicalac 	2600
    radiationac 	2600
    poisonac 	2600
    poisondamagemodifier 	55
    radiationdamagemodifier 	55
    chemicaldamagemodifier 	55
    colddamagemodifier 	26
    firedamagemodifier 	55
    projectiledamagemodifier 	55
    energydamagemodifier 	39
    meleedamagemodifier 	26
    amsmodifier 	53
    dmsmodifier 	355
    xpmodifier 	14
    beltslots 	6
    skilllockmodifier 	-30
    interruptmodifier 	-20
    healdelta 	131
    nanodelta 	44
    npcostmodifier 	-14
    rangeincreasernf 	26
    rangeincreaserweapon 	5
    healinterval 	1
    nanointerval 	1
    aggdef 	100
    state 	0
    unarmedtemplateinstance 	0
    invaderskilled 	0
    killedbyinvaders 	0
    vp 	0
    unsavedxp 	0
    nanofocuslevel 	0
    shadowbreedtemplate 	0
    shadowbreed 	0
    lastperkresettime 	0
    socialstatus 	0
    playeroptions 	0
    tempsaveteamid 	0
    tempsaveplayfield 	0
    tempsavex 	0
    tempsavey 	0
    PVPDuelKills 	0
    PVPDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelKills 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedSoloKills 	0
    PVPRankedSoloDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedTeamKills 	0
    PVPRankedTeamDeaths 	0
    PVPSoloScore 	0
    PVPTeamScore 	0
    PVPDuelScore 	0
    unreadmailcount 	0
    lastmailchecktime 	1283065897
    savedxp 	0
    features 	6
    apartmentsallowed 	1
    apartmentsowned 	0
    lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 	0
    mapoptions 	0
    mapareapart1 	0
    mapareapart2 	0
    mapareapart3 	0
    mapareapart4 	0
    missionbits1 	0
    missionbits2 	0
    missionbits3 	0
    missionbits4 	0
    missionbits5 	0
    missionbits6 	0
    missionbits7 	0
    missionbits8 	0
    missionbits9 	0
    missionbits10 	0
    missionbits11 	0
    missionbits12 	0
    sessiontime 	1234567890
    autoattackflags 	5
    personalresearchlevel 	0
    globalresearchlevel 	0
    personalresearchgoal 	0
    globalresearchgoal 	0
    battlestationside 	0
    battlestationrep 	10
    members 	999
    veteranpoints 	0
    monthspaid 	0
    PaidPoints 	0
    xpkillrange 	5
    inplay 	0
    attitude 	0
    icon 	0
    mesh 	17530
    deadtimer 	0
    lastsavexp 	0
    meleemultiple 	271
    closecombatinitiative 	285
    physicalprowessinitiative 	285
    brawl 	242
    riposte 	288
    dimach 	284
    parry 	266
    fastattack 	288
    currentmass 	0
    itemtype 	0
    previoushealth 	50
    currentstate 	0
    age 	0
    attackspeed 	5
    metatype 	0
    rp 	0
    specialcondition 	1
    sk 	0
    clanredeemed 	0
    clanconserver 	0
    clandevoted 	0
    otunredeemed 	0
    otoperator 	0
    otfollowers 	0
    gos 	0
    clanvanguards 	0
    ottrans 	0
    clangaia 	0
    otmed 	1234567890
    clansentinels 	0
    otarmedforces 	0
    playerid 	1234567890
    alienlevel 	0
    aliennextxp 	1500
    alienxp 	0
    insurancepercentage 	0
    prevmovementmode 	3
    teamside 	0
    absorbprojectileac 	0
    absorbmeleeac 	0
    absorbenergyac 	0
    absorbchemicalac 	0
    absorbradiationac 	0
    absorbcoldac 	0
    absorbnanoac 	0
    absorbfireac 	0
    absorbpoisonac 	0
    temporaryskillreduction 	0
    insurancetime 	0
    mapflags 	0
    changesidecount 	0

Playfield info:

- 341.7, 323.1, 32.5 (341.7 323.1 y 32.5 566)
- Pf Proxy: Model=51100:566 GS=0 SG=0 R=566, resource: 566
- zone: 128, area: "Newland City"
Server id: 1, character id: 50000:764, time: 2024-01-16 19:17:35 (UTC)
Version: 00.4.4_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606.

**Describe the bug** Swapping an item with the same modifiers on it will increase the stat by the same amount infinitely, until the player zones. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Get 2 of the same item, with the same modifiers on. 2. Equip one of them. 3. 'Swap' the item, by left clicking the item in the inventory and clicking on the already equipped item. 4. This can be repeated continuously and works with any stat listed on an item. **Expected behavior** An items previous stat increase/modifier should be cleared when a new item is placed in that slot. **Screenshots** ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/3c9329c8-cd4a-4cf5-88bc-8c007d7ab4fe) **Character info:** ``` Raggy [220 Trader] ------------------------------------ materialmetamorphose 554 lr_energyweapon 278 breakingentry 351 summonedfrom_pf 566 summonedfrom_x 470 summonedfrom_y 25 summonedfrom_z 320 strength 959 stamina 932 agility 1144 sense 1123 psychic 1102 intelligence 1118 flags 528961 monsterscale 112 currentnano 9974 headmesh 223891 cash 899993042 gmlevel 127 expansion 3 breed 2 visualbreed 2 profession 7 visualprofession 7 level 220 sex 2 visualsex 2 titlelevel 7 health 10176 equippedweapontype 17412 EquippedRHWeapon 17412 selectedtarget 764 debug 0 nextxp 3067008 xp 2555840 lastsaved 2555840 lastxp 2555840 bodydevelopment 1359 runspeed 1612 nanoenergypool 1764 nanoac 1066 shotgun 1421 senseimprovement 1489 treatment 1788 biologicalmetamorphose 1492 psychologicalmodification 1530 materialcreation 1488 materiallocation 1498 nanoprowessinitiative 1870 flingshot 1281 duck 1446 dodge 1446 evade 1446 currentmovementmode 3 waitstate 1 computerliteracy 1702 selectedtargettype 0 isfightingme 0 currentncu 138 side 1 exitstatel -1073348481 externaldoorinstance 0 externalplayfieldinstance 0 playfieldtype 0 specialization 15 alignment 1750 firstaid 744 nanoprogramming 713 concealment 659 maxnanoenergy 9971 electricalengineering 529 mapnavigation 528 tutoring 528 driveair 530 chemistry 455 driveground 532 drivewater 532 fieldquantumphysics 536 perception 532 pharmaceuticals 479 mechanicalengineering 481 weaponsmithing 505 pistol 621 psychology 532 disarmtrap 354 lr_multipleweapon 1225 grenade 562 rifle 368 throwingknife 424 distanceweaponinitiative 405 sneakattack 329 aimedshot 375 burst 356 fullauto 394 bowspecialattack 383 swim 402 adventuring 438 martialarts 273 onehandbluntweapons 241 onehandedgedweapon 256 meleeenergyweapon 256 twohandedgedweapons 237 piercing 330 twohandbluntweapons 236 throwngrapplingweapons 427 bow 274 submachinegun 439 assaultrifle 443 maxncu 415 fatness 1 race 1 accountflags 1234567890 life 10161 monsterdata 0 VisualFlags 31 clan 0 team 0 projectileac 2600 energyac 2600 meleeac 2600 fireac 2841 coldac 2600 chemicalac 2600 radiationac 2600 poisonac 2600 poisondamagemodifier 55 radiationdamagemodifier 55 chemicaldamagemodifier 55 colddamagemodifier 26 firedamagemodifier 55 projectiledamagemodifier 55 energydamagemodifier 39 meleedamagemodifier 26 amsmodifier 53 dmsmodifier 355 xpmodifier 14 beltslots 6 skilllockmodifier -30 interruptmodifier -20 healdelta 131 nanodelta 44 npcostmodifier -14 rangeincreasernf 26 rangeincreaserweapon 5 healinterval 1 nanointerval 1 aggdef 100 state 0 unarmedtemplateinstance 0 invaderskilled 0 killedbyinvaders 0 vp 0 unsavedxp 0 nanofocuslevel 0 shadowbreedtemplate 0 shadowbreed 0 lastperkresettime 0 socialstatus 0 playeroptions 0 tempsaveteamid 0 tempsaveplayfield 0 tempsavex 0 tempsavey 0 PVPDuelKills 0 PVPDuelDeaths 0 PVPProfessionDuelKills 0 PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 0 PVPRankedSoloKills 0 PVPRankedSoloDeaths 0 PVPRankedTeamKills 0 PVPRankedTeamDeaths 0 PVPSoloScore 0 PVPTeamScore 0 PVPDuelScore 0 unreadmailcount 0 lastmailchecktime 1283065897 savedxp 0 features 6 apartmentsallowed 1 apartmentsowned 0 lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 0 mapoptions 0 mapareapart1 0 mapareapart2 0 mapareapart3 0 mapareapart4 0 missionbits1 0 missionbits2 0 missionbits3 0 missionbits4 0 missionbits5 0 missionbits6 0 missionbits7 0 missionbits8 0 missionbits9 0 missionbits10 0 missionbits11 0 missionbits12 0 sessiontime 1234567890 autoattackflags 5 personalresearchlevel 0 globalresearchlevel 0 personalresearchgoal 0 globalresearchgoal 0 battlestationside 0 battlestationrep 10 members 999 veteranpoints 0 monthspaid 0 PaidPoints 0 xpkillrange 5 inplay 0 attitude 0 icon 0 mesh 17530 deadtimer 0 lastsavexp 0 meleemultiple 271 closecombatinitiative 285 physicalprowessinitiative 285 brawl 242 riposte 288 dimach 284 parry 266 fastattack 288 currentmass 0 itemtype 0 previoushealth 50 currentstate 0 age 0 attackspeed 5 metatype 0 rp 0 specialcondition 1 sk 0 clanredeemed 0 clanconserver 0 clandevoted 0 otunredeemed 0 otoperator 0 otfollowers 0 gos 0 clanvanguards 0 ottrans 0 clangaia 0 otmed 1234567890 clansentinels 0 otarmedforces 0 playerid 1234567890 alienlevel 0 aliennextxp 1500 alienxp 0 insurancepercentage 0 prevmovementmode 3 teamside 0 absorbprojectileac 0 absorbmeleeac 0 absorbenergyac 0 absorbchemicalac 0 absorbradiationac 0 absorbcoldac 0 absorbnanoac 0 absorbfireac 0 absorbpoisonac 0 temporaryskillreduction 0 insurancetime 0 mapflags 0 changesidecount 0 ------------------------------------ ``` **Playfield info:** ``` - 341.7, 323.1, 32.5 (341.7 323.1 y 32.5 566) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:566 GS=0 SG=0 R=566, resource: 566 - zone: 128, area: "Newland City" Server id: 1, character id: 50000:764, time: 2024-01-16 19:17:35 (UTC) Version: 00.4.4_EP1, map id: NOT FOUND, build: 52606. ``` ----
portalerprk commented 2024-01-17 16:34:34 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

@RaggyLP - please test when you can (when servers back online)

@RaggyLP - please test when you can (when servers back online)
RaggyLP commented 2024-01-17 17:03:23 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

@RaggyLP - please test when you can (when servers back online)

Confirmed fixed on Weapons. swapping the same gun doesn't generate a stacking stat, however, tested using Trader Star swapping on Util 1 and it still generated a stacking effect on the client for that slot. This however, wasn't accepted by the server:

Your Shotgun is required to be at least 2250! You're unable to wear this item..


> @RaggyLP - please test when you can (when servers back online) Confirmed fixed on Weapons. swapping the same gun doesn't generate a stacking stat, however, tested using Trader Star swapping on Util 1 and it still generated a stacking effect on the client for that slot. This however, wasn't accepted by the server: `Your Shotgun is required to be at least 2250! You're unable to wear this item..` https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/f519c436-82e1-4253-ba96-5f48e91a4818
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-01-27 03:05:01 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Confirmed. Did not replicate for me using the Clan token board, but using the Beast Star did indeed stack using the described method.

Confirmed. Did not replicate for me using the Clan token board, but using the Beast Star did indeed stack using the described method.
prkdrake commented 2024-02-05 02:05:29 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Priority lowered to 2 - issue is only shown client-side and offers no significant gameplay advantage that I know of

Priority lowered to 2 - issue is only shown client-side and offers no significant gameplay advantage that I know of
portalerprk commented 2024-02-14 03:32:23 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Should be resolved. Please confirm.

Should be resolved. Please confirm.
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-02-14 04:31:16 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Confirmed fixed for me. Will hold closing to give Raggy a chance to test.

Confirmed fixed for me. Will hold closing to give Raggy a chance to test.
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 23:14:18 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Confirmed fixed as of 22:14 UTC - 17/02/24. Nicely done guys (:

Confirmed fixed as of 22:14 UTC - 17/02/24. Nicely done guys (:
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Reference: prk/issues#472
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