The 'Trader Debuff AC Nanos' debuff line does not apply the higher debuff. #582

opened 2024-01-30 14:49:51 +01:00 by RaggyLP · 6 comments
RaggyLP commented 2024-01-30 14:49:51 +01:00 (Migrated from

Describe the bug
The 'Abolish' line of nanos 'Trader Debuff AC Nanos' do not check for the higher ACs when the debuff applies. Tested at both 0 AC and setting mob AC to 30000

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enter combat, do a .getfull to check current AC.
  2. .set meleeac 30000
  3. Cast the Abolish Polonium nano
  4. Do .getfull.

Expected behavior
The debuff should be stronger or weaker based on the AC for the target.


Character info:

Raggy [220 Trader]
    strength 	1634
    stamina 	2221
    agility 	1883
    sense 	1810
    psychic 	2225
    intelligence 	2230
    flags 	528961
    monsterscale 	100
    currentnano 	8885
    headmesh 	223891
    cash 	21883
    gmlevel 	127
    expansion 	3
    breed 	2
    visualbreed 	2
    profession 	7
    visualprofession 	7
    level 	220
    sex 	2
    visualsex 	2
    titlelevel 	7
    health 	10186
    equippedweapontype 	8196
    EquippedRHWeapon 	8196
    selectedtarget 	1028
    nextxp 	3067008
    xp 	2555840
    lastsaved 	2555840
    treatment 	4873
    lastxp 	2555840
    currentncu 	1
    runspeed 	2752
    senseimprovement 	2807
    biologicalmetamorphose 	2837
    psychologicalmodification 	2816
    materialcreation 	3834
    materiallocation 	3817
    nanoprowessinitiative 	2739
    shotgun 	5001
    distanceweaponinitiative 	2545
    computerliteracy 	3772
    nanoenergypool 	2073
    martialarts 	2488
    brawl 	2472
    riposte 	2466
    dimach 	2478
    adventuring 	2625
    swim 	2701
    onehandbluntweapons 	2478
    onehandedgedweapon 	2482
    piercing 	2571
    twohandbluntweapons 	2486
    twohandedgedweapons 	2472
    meleeenergyweapon 	2561
    parry 	2522
    sneakattack 	2498
    meleemultiple 	2465
    fastattack 	2468
    throwingknife 	2537
    grenade 	2677
    throwngrapplingweapons 	2637
    bow 	2456
    pistol 	2743
    assaultrifle 	2719
    submachinegun 	2700
    rifle 	2468
    lr_energyweapon 	2520
    flingshot 	2760
    aimedshot 	2512
    burst 	2528
    fullauto 	2664
    bowspecialattack 	2545
    lr_multipleweapon 	3506
    closecombatinitiative 	2490
    physicalprowessinitiative 	2490
    dodge 	3589
    evade 	3717
    duck 	2798
    nanoac 	2280
    mechanicalengineering 	2739
    electricalengineering 	2756
    fieldquantumphysics 	2781
    weaponsmithing 	2843
    pharmaceuticals 	2765
    nanoprogramming 	2802
    psychology 	2795
    chemistry 	2781
    tutoring 	2816
    materialmetamorphose 	2837
    firstaid 	2686
    concealment 	2737
    breakingentry 	2578
    disarmtrap 	2565
    perception 	2789
    driveair 	2757
    driveground 	2757
    drivewater 	2757
    mapnavigation 	2779
    maxnanoenergy 	8885
    side 	1
    selectedtargettype 	0
    charstate 	0
    exitstatel 	-1073740870
    externaldoorinstance 	-418378760
    externalplayfieldinstance 	3064
    playfieldtype 	0
    isfightingme 	1
    life 	10186
    waitstate 	1
    bodydevelopment 	2295
    expansionplayfield 	0
    secondaryitemtemplate 	207108
    specialization 	15
    maxncu 	2091
    fatness 	1
    race 	1
    accountflags 	1234567890
    monsterdata 	0
    VisualFlags 	31
    currentmovementmode 	3
    clan 	0
    projectileac 	23960
    energyac 	24710
    meleeac 	22750
    coldac 	24643
    fireac 	23706
    chemicalac 	23433
    radiationac 	25393
    poisonac 	23960
    healdelta 	165
    nanodelta 	124
    procnano1 	210941
    procinitiative1 	4
    procchance1 	17
    team 	0
    dmsmodifier 	343
    amsmodifier 	21
    rangeincreaserweapon 	7
    rangeincreasernf 	31
    firedamagemodifier 	19
    poisondamagemodifier 	19
    projectiledamagemodifier 	19
    radiationdamagemodifier 	19
    chemicaldamagemodifier 	19
    xpmodifier 	9
    npcostmodifier 	-8
    skilllockmodifier 	-25
    interruptmodifier 	-25
    aggdef 	100
    state 	0
    unarmedtemplateinstance 	0
    invaderskilled 	0
    killedbyinvaders 	0
    vp 	0
    unsavedxp 	0
    nanofocuslevel 	0
    shadowbreedtemplate 	0
    shadowbreed 	0
    lastperkresettime 	0
    socialstatus 	0
    playeroptions 	0
    tempsaveteamid 	0
    tempsaveplayfield 	0
    tempsavex 	0
    tempsavey 	0
    PVPDuelKills 	0
    PVPDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelKills 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedSoloKills 	0
    PVPRankedSoloDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedTeamKills 	0
    PVPRankedTeamDeaths 	0
    PVPSoloScore 	0
    PVPTeamScore 	0
    PVPDuelScore 	0
    unreadmailcount 	0
    lastmailchecktime 	1283065897
    savedxp 	0
    features 	6
    apartmentsallowed 	1
    apartmentsowned 	0
    lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 	0
    mapoptions 	0
    mapareapart1 	0
    mapareapart2 	0
    mapareapart3 	0
    mapareapart4 	0
    missionbits1 	0
    missionbits2 	0
    missionbits3 	0
    missionbits4 	0
    missionbits5 	0
    missionbits6 	0
    missionbits7 	0
    missionbits8 	0
    missionbits9 	0
    missionbits10 	0
    missionbits11 	0
    missionbits12 	0
    sessiontime 	1234567890
    autoattackflags 	5
    personalresearchlevel 	0
    globalresearchlevel 	0
    personalresearchgoal 	0
    globalresearchgoal 	0
    battlestationside 	0
    battlestationrep 	10
    members 	999
    veteranpoints 	0
    monthspaid 	0
    PaidPoints 	0
    xpkillrange 	5
    inplay 	0
    attitude 	0
    alignment 	0
    icon 	0
    mesh 	17530
    deadtimer 	0
    lastsavexp 	0
    currentmass 	0
    itemtype 	0
    previoushealth 	50
    currentstate 	0
    age 	0
    attackspeed 	5
    metatype 	0
    rp 	0
    specialcondition 	1
    sk 	0
    clanredeemed 	0
    clanconserver 	0
    clandevoted 	0
    otunredeemed 	0
    otoperator 	0
    otfollowers 	0
    gos 	0
    clanvanguards 	0
    ottrans 	0
    clangaia 	0
    otmed 	1234567890
    clansentinels 	0
    otarmedforces 	0
    playerid 	1234567890
    alienlevel 	0
    aliennextxp 	1500
    alienxp 	0
    insurancepercentage 	0
    prevmovementmode 	3
    teamside 	0
    beltslots 	0
    absorbprojectileac 	0
    absorbmeleeac 	0
    absorbenergyac 	0
    absorbchemicalac 	0
    absorbradiationac 	0
    absorbcoldac 	0
    absorbnanoac 	0
    absorbfireac 	0
    absorbpoisonac 	0
    temporaryskillreduction 	0
    insurancetime 	0
    mapflags 	0
    changesidecount 	0
    healinterval 	1
    nanointerval 	1
    reflectreturnedmeleeac 	0
    reflectmeleeac 	0
    shieldmeleeac 	0
    reflectreturnedradiationac 	0
    reflectradiationac 	0
    shieldradiationac 	0
    reflectprojectileac 	0
    reflectenergyac 	0
    reflectfireac 	0
    reflectcoldac 	0
    reflectchemicalac 	0
    reflectpoisonac 	0

.getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Raggy.
**Describe the bug** The 'Abolish' line of nanos 'Trader Debuff AC Nanos' do not check for the higher ACs when the debuff applies. Tested at both 0 AC and setting mob AC to 30000 **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Enter combat, do a ```.getfull``` to check current AC. 2. ```.set meleeac 30000``` 3. Cast the Abolish Polonium nano 4. Do ```.getfull```. **Expected behavior** The debuff should be stronger or weaker based on the AC for the target. **Screenshots** ![image]( **Character info:** ``` Raggy [220 Trader] ------------------------------------ strength 1634 stamina 2221 agility 1883 sense 1810 psychic 2225 intelligence 2230 flags 528961 monsterscale 100 currentnano 8885 headmesh 223891 cash 21883 gmlevel 127 expansion 3 breed 2 visualbreed 2 profession 7 visualprofession 7 level 220 sex 2 visualsex 2 titlelevel 7 health 10186 equippedweapontype 8196 EquippedRHWeapon 8196 selectedtarget 1028 nextxp 3067008 xp 2555840 lastsaved 2555840 treatment 4873 lastxp 2555840 currentncu 1 runspeed 2752 senseimprovement 2807 biologicalmetamorphose 2837 psychologicalmodification 2816 materialcreation 3834 materiallocation 3817 nanoprowessinitiative 2739 shotgun 5001 distanceweaponinitiative 2545 computerliteracy 3772 nanoenergypool 2073 martialarts 2488 brawl 2472 riposte 2466 dimach 2478 adventuring 2625 swim 2701 onehandbluntweapons 2478 onehandedgedweapon 2482 piercing 2571 twohandbluntweapons 2486 twohandedgedweapons 2472 meleeenergyweapon 2561 parry 2522 sneakattack 2498 meleemultiple 2465 fastattack 2468 throwingknife 2537 grenade 2677 throwngrapplingweapons 2637 bow 2456 pistol 2743 assaultrifle 2719 submachinegun 2700 rifle 2468 lr_energyweapon 2520 flingshot 2760 aimedshot 2512 burst 2528 fullauto 2664 bowspecialattack 2545 lr_multipleweapon 3506 closecombatinitiative 2490 physicalprowessinitiative 2490 dodge 3589 evade 3717 duck 2798 nanoac 2280 mechanicalengineering 2739 electricalengineering 2756 fieldquantumphysics 2781 weaponsmithing 2843 pharmaceuticals 2765 nanoprogramming 2802 psychology 2795 chemistry 2781 tutoring 2816 materialmetamorphose 2837 firstaid 2686 concealment 2737 breakingentry 2578 disarmtrap 2565 perception 2789 driveair 2757 driveground 2757 drivewater 2757 mapnavigation 2779 maxnanoenergy 8885 side 1 selectedtargettype 0 charstate 0 exitstatel -1073740870 externaldoorinstance -418378760 externalplayfieldinstance 3064 playfieldtype 0 isfightingme 1 life 10186 waitstate 1 bodydevelopment 2295 expansionplayfield 0 secondaryitemtemplate 207108 specialization 15 maxncu 2091 fatness 1 race 1 accountflags 1234567890 monsterdata 0 VisualFlags 31 currentmovementmode 3 clan 0 projectileac 23960 energyac 24710 meleeac 22750 coldac 24643 fireac 23706 chemicalac 23433 radiationac 25393 poisonac 23960 healdelta 165 nanodelta 124 procnano1 210941 procinitiative1 4 procchance1 17 team 0 dmsmodifier 343 amsmodifier 21 rangeincreaserweapon 7 rangeincreasernf 31 firedamagemodifier 19 poisondamagemodifier 19 projectiledamagemodifier 19 radiationdamagemodifier 19 chemicaldamagemodifier 19 xpmodifier 9 npcostmodifier -8 skilllockmodifier -25 interruptmodifier -25 aggdef 100 state 0 unarmedtemplateinstance 0 invaderskilled 0 killedbyinvaders 0 vp 0 unsavedxp 0 nanofocuslevel 0 shadowbreedtemplate 0 shadowbreed 0 lastperkresettime 0 socialstatus 0 playeroptions 0 tempsaveteamid 0 tempsaveplayfield 0 tempsavex 0 tempsavey 0 PVPDuelKills 0 PVPDuelDeaths 0 PVPProfessionDuelKills 0 PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 0 PVPRankedSoloKills 0 PVPRankedSoloDeaths 0 PVPRankedTeamKills 0 PVPRankedTeamDeaths 0 PVPSoloScore 0 PVPTeamScore 0 PVPDuelScore 0 unreadmailcount 0 lastmailchecktime 1283065897 savedxp 0 features 6 apartmentsallowed 1 apartmentsowned 0 lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 0 mapoptions 0 mapareapart1 0 mapareapart2 0 mapareapart3 0 mapareapart4 0 missionbits1 0 missionbits2 0 missionbits3 0 missionbits4 0 missionbits5 0 missionbits6 0 missionbits7 0 missionbits8 0 missionbits9 0 missionbits10 0 missionbits11 0 missionbits12 0 sessiontime 1234567890 autoattackflags 5 personalresearchlevel 0 globalresearchlevel 0 personalresearchgoal 0 globalresearchgoal 0 battlestationside 0 battlestationrep 10 members 999 veteranpoints 0 monthspaid 0 PaidPoints 0 xpkillrange 5 inplay 0 attitude 0 alignment 0 icon 0 mesh 17530 deadtimer 0 lastsavexp 0 currentmass 0 itemtype 0 previoushealth 50 currentstate 0 age 0 attackspeed 5 metatype 0 rp 0 specialcondition 1 sk 0 clanredeemed 0 clanconserver 0 clandevoted 0 otunredeemed 0 otoperator 0 otfollowers 0 gos 0 clanvanguards 0 ottrans 0 clangaia 0 otmed 1234567890 clansentinels 0 otarmedforces 0 playerid 1234567890 alienlevel 0 aliennextxp 1500 alienxp 0 insurancepercentage 0 prevmovementmode 3 teamside 0 beltslots 0 absorbprojectileac 0 absorbmeleeac 0 absorbenergyac 0 absorbchemicalac 0 absorbradiationac 0 absorbcoldac 0 absorbnanoac 0 absorbfireac 0 absorbpoisonac 0 temporaryskillreduction 0 insurancetime 0 mapflags 0 changesidecount 0 healinterval 1 nanointerval 1 reflectreturnedmeleeac 0 reflectmeleeac 0 shieldmeleeac 0 reflectreturnedradiationac 0 reflectradiationac 0 shieldradiationac 0 reflectprojectileac 0 reflectenergyac 0 reflectfireac 0 reflectcoldac 0 reflectchemicalac 0 reflectpoisonac 0 ------------------------------------ .getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Raggy. ```
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-01-31 03:10:12 +01:00 (Migrated from


Abolish Polonium, top in this nano line, applies only it's lowest AC debuff (-2778) despite the target meeting the requirements for a much stronger debuff.


Confirmed. Abolish Polonium, top in this nano line, applies only it's lowest AC debuff (-2778) despite the target meeting the requirements for a much stronger debuff. ![image](
portalerprk commented 2024-02-15 04:55:49 +01:00 (Migrated from

This is a really tricky one to nail down properly.

So in Auno, you will see that the "function target" is shown as "Target".. but the in game UI shows it at OnTarget -> OnSelf. So basically OnTarget will execute the nano from the target's NCU.. and when it executes.. it needs to resolve "OnSelf" as the target.. not the caster. In our case "OnSelf" was resolving as the caster, resulting in NPCFamily == 0 to be true.

So tricky... but the change was simple. @RaggyLP you will need to ensure that this change however doesn't impact other buffs.

I did a quick check on Health Funnel ( a common function targeting pain point) and that worked.

You might want to try testing some additional strange targeting configurations like Mongo Slam, Crat auras etc. I'm concerned my change here will break those scenarios.. but perhaps im just fearful :-)

Please test and let me know.

This is a really tricky one to nail down properly. So in Auno, you will see that the "function target" is shown as "Target".. but the in game UI shows it at OnTarget -> OnSelf. So basically OnTarget will execute the nano from the target's NCU.. and when it executes.. it needs to resolve "OnSelf" as the target.. not the caster. In our case "OnSelf" was resolving as the caster, resulting in NPCFamily == 0 to be true. So tricky... but the change was simple. @RaggyLP you will need to ensure that this change however doesn't impact other buffs. I did a quick check on Health Funnel ( a common function targeting pain point) and that worked. You might want to try testing some additional strange targeting configurations like Mongo Slam, Crat auras etc. I'm concerned my change here will break those scenarios.. but perhaps im just fearful :-) Please test and let me know.
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 14:34:31 +01:00 (Migrated from

Re-tested, nano still appears to be using the NPC Target 0 modifiers.


Re-tested, nano still appears to be using the NPC Target 0 modifiers. ![image](
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 15:02:08 +01:00 (Migrated from

Retested again, it is now working as expected, a futher issue has reared its head in the fact there is discrepancies on NPCFamily type for some NPCs (those spawned in the BY for example are listed as 0).

Retested again, it is now working as expected, a futher issue has reared its head in the fact there is discrepancies on NPCFamily type for some NPCs (those spawned in the BY for example are listed as 0).
portalerprk commented 2024-02-19 21:46:10 +01:00 (Migrated from

Npc Family issues should be resolved

Npc Family issues should be resolved
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-19 22:38:00 +01:00 (Migrated from

Nanoline confirmed to be working now when used on a mob with the correct NPCFamily. Fixed as of 21:37 UTC - 19/02/24


Nanoline confirmed to be working now when used on a mob with the correct NPCFamily. Fixed as of 21:37 UTC - 19/02/24 ![image](
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Reference: prk/issues#582
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