Unequippable weapons do not indicate they cannot be equipped #596

opened 2024-02-02 04:32:20 +01:00 by TheTinkeringIdiot · 2 comments
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-02-02 04:32:20 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Describe the bug
Weapons that cannot be equipped are overlaid with a red X when held over the appropriate slot in the Equip window. That is no longer happening with weapons for which the player has not got the appropriate skills.

When the player attempts to equip a weapon for which they do not have the required skills, the red X is not present indicating that the weapon can be equipped. Upon equipping, the equip delay timer runs, but the weapon does not equip. A "Your is required to be at least !" message is displayed. Right-clicking the item in the inventory similarly runs the equip delay timer and displays the message.

Slot checks on the item remain. I attempted to equip a left-hand only weapon in the right hand and the weapon properly displays the red X over the Equip window.

Level and side checks are also working.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Acquire Hazangerine Bear Claw (/item 160287 160287 200)
  2. Do not have the required skills
  3. Attempt to equip anyway
  4. Red X does not display in the Equip window
  5. Equip delay timer runs
  6. Item does not equip with requirements message in the chat window

Expected behavior
A red X should show over any item that cannot be equipped in the hovered over slot.


Slot checks remain functional (this weapon is left hand only):

Character info:

Tinkerfite [110 MartialArtist]
    strength 	919
    stamina 	842
    agility 	1109
    sense 	1036
    psychic 	861
    intelligence 	884
    flags 	8917569
    monsterscale 	100
    currentnano 	6563
    headmesh 	40242
    cash 	134
    gmlevel 	255
    expansion 	3
    fatness 	2
    breed 	2
    visualbreed 	2
    profession 	2
    visualprofession 	2
    level 	110
    sex 	3
    visualsex 	3
    titlelevel 	4
    health 	10059
    equippedweapontype 	1
    EquippedRHWeapon 	1
    exitstatel 	-1073675336
    externaldoorinstance 	-418378693
    externalplayfieldinstance 	3131
    playfieldtype 	0
    martialarts 	1839
    selectedtarget 	1092
    currentncu 	0
    nextxp 	52444450
    xp 	49967855
    lastsaved 	49967850
    nanoenergypool 	1242
    brawl 	757
    riposte 	703
    dimach 	760
    adventuring 	477
    swim 	457
    onehandbluntweapons 	488
    onehandedgedweapon 	504
    piercing 	532
    twohandbluntweapons 	505
    twohandedgedweapons 	507
    meleeenergyweapon 	308
    parry 	583
    sneakattack 	486
    meleemultiple 	488
    fastattack 	471
    throwingknife 	411
    grenade 	258
    throwngrapplingweapons 	405
    bow 	605
    pistol 	269
    assaultrifle 	242
    submachinegun 	241
    shotgun 	258
    rifle 	324
    lr_energyweapon 	288
    flingshot 	277
    aimedshot 	559
    burst 	249
    fullauto 	222
    bowspecialattack 	380
    lr_multipleweapon 	284
    closecombatinitiative 	-267
    distanceweaponinitiative 	-552
    physicalprowessinitiative 	833
    nanoprowessinitiative 	1266
    dodge 	1885
    evade 	1905
    duck 	1895
    nanoac 	220
    mechanicalengineering 	249
    electricalengineering 	318
    fieldquantumphysics 	355
    weaponsmithing 	225
    pharmaceuticals 	370
    nanoprogramming 	431
    computerliteracy 	1646
    psychology 	240
    chemistry 	298
    tutoring 	448
    materialmetamorphose 	1444
    biologicalmetamorphose 	1454
    psychologicalmodification 	1451
    materialcreation 	515
    materiallocation 	1457
    senseimprovement 	1453
    firstaid 	529
    treatment 	1470
    concealment 	582
    breakingentry 	253
    disarmtrap 	310
    perception 	522
    driveair 	255
    driveground 	393
    drivewater 	255
    mapnavigation 	376
    lastxp 	49967850
    bodydevelopment 	1433
    runspeed 	1846
    side 	1
    alignment 	1750
    maxnanoenergy 	6013
    secondaryitemtemplate 	207108
    isfightingme 	0
    selectedtargettype 	0
    charstate 	0
    specialization 	15
    aggdef 	-100
    currentmovementmode 	3
    waitstate 	1
    life 	10059
    summonedfrom_pf 	565
    summonedfrom_x 	1562
    summonedfrom_y 	31
    summonedfrom_z 	2700
    maxncu 	598
    race 	1
    accountflags 	1234567890
    monsterdata 	0
    VisualFlags 	31
    clan 	0
    meleedamagemodifier 	308
    poisondamagemodifier 	290
    firedamagemodifier 	538
    colddamagemodifier 	290
    projectiledamagemodifier 	290
    energydamagemodifier 	290
    chemicaldamagemodifier 	290
    radiationdamagemodifier 	301
    procinitiative1 	3
    procchance1 	50
    procnano1 	233825
    criticaldecrease 	14
    dmsmodifier 	512
    team 	0
    reflectreturnedfireac 	20
    reflectfireac 	2
    projectileac 	10502
    energyac 	10402
    meleeac 	10502
    coldac 	10502
    fireac 	7442
    chemicalac 	10502
    radiationac 	10502
    poisonac 	7442
    xpmodifier 	17
    amsmodifier 	116
    beltslots 	6
    npcostmodifier 	-15
    criticalincrease 	15
    rangeincreaserweapon 	45
    healdelta 	114
    shieldradiationac 	43
    shieldenergyac 	43
    shieldfireac 	43
    shieldprojectileac 	43
    shieldpoisonac 	43
    shieldmeleeac 	43
    shieldcoldac 	43
    shieldchemicalac 	43
    state 	0
    unarmedtemplateinstance 	0
    invaderskilled 	0
    killedbyinvaders 	0
    vp 	0
    unsavedxp 	0
    nanofocuslevel 	0
    shadowbreedtemplate 	0
    shadowbreed 	0
    lastperkresettime 	0
    socialstatus 	0
    playeroptions 	0
    tempsaveteamid 	0
    tempsaveplayfield 	0
    tempsavex 	0
    tempsavey 	0
    PVPDuelKills 	0
    PVPDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelKills 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedSoloKills 	0
    PVPRankedSoloDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedTeamKills 	0
    PVPRankedTeamDeaths 	0
    PVPSoloScore 	0
    PVPTeamScore 	0
    PVPDuelScore 	0
    unreadmailcount 	0
    lastmailchecktime 	1283065897
    savedxp 	0
    features 	6
    apartmentsallowed 	1
    apartmentsowned 	0
    lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 	0
    mapoptions 	0
    mapareapart1 	0
    mapareapart2 	0
    mapareapart3 	0
    mapareapart4 	0
    missionbits1 	0
    missionbits2 	0
    missionbits3 	0
    missionbits4 	0
    missionbits5 	0
    missionbits6 	0
    missionbits7 	0
    missionbits8 	0
    missionbits9 	0
    missionbits10 	0
    missionbits11 	0
    missionbits12 	0
    sessiontime 	1234567890
    autoattackflags 	5
    personalresearchlevel 	0
    globalresearchlevel 	0
    personalresearchgoal 	0
    globalresearchgoal 	0
    battlestationside 	0
    battlestationrep 	10
    members 	999
    veteranpoints 	0
    monthspaid 	0
    PaidPoints 	0
    xpkillrange 	5
    inplay 	0
    attitude 	0
    icon 	0
    mesh 	17530
    deadtimer 	0
    lastsavexp 	0
    currentmass 	0
    itemtype 	0
    previoushealth 	50
    currentstate 	0
    age 	0
    attackspeed 	5
    metatype 	0
    rp 	0
    specialcondition 	1
    sk 	0
    clanredeemed 	0
    clanconserver 	0
    clandevoted 	0
    otunredeemed 	0
    otoperator 	0
    otfollowers 	0
    gos 	0
    clanvanguards 	0
    ottrans 	0
    clangaia 	0
    otmed 	1234567890
    clansentinels 	0
    otarmedforces 	0
    playerid 	1234567890
    alienlevel 	0
    aliennextxp 	1500
    alienxp 	0
    insurancepercentage 	0
    prevmovementmode 	3
    teamside 	0
    absorbprojectileac 	0
    absorbmeleeac 	0
    absorbenergyac 	0
    absorbchemicalac 	0
    absorbradiationac 	0
    absorbcoldac 	0
    absorbnanoac 	0
    absorbfireac 	0
    absorbpoisonac 	0
    temporaryskillreduction 	0
    insurancetime 	0
    mapflags 	0
    changesidecount 	0
    healinterval 	1
    nanointerval 	1

.getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Tinkerfite.

Playfield info:

Copy/paste the output of Shift+F9 here

**Describe the bug** Weapons that cannot be equipped are overlaid with a red X when held over the appropriate slot in the Equip window. That is no longer happening with weapons for which the player has not got the appropriate skills. When the player attempts to equip a weapon for which they do not have the required skills, the red X is not present indicating that the weapon can be equipped. Upon equipping, the equip delay timer runs, but the weapon does not equip. A "Your <skill> is required to be at least <requirement>!" message is displayed. Right-clicking the item in the inventory similarly runs the equip delay timer and displays the message. Slot checks on the item remain. I attempted to equip a left-hand only weapon in the right hand and the weapon properly displays the red X over the Equip window. Level and side checks are also working. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Acquire Hazangerine Bear Claw (`/item 160287 160287 200`) 2. Do not have the required skills 3. Attempt to equip anyway 4. Red X does not display in the Equip window 5. Equip delay timer runs 6. Item does not equip with requirements message in the chat window **Expected behavior** A red X should show over any item that cannot be equipped in the hovered over slot. **Screenshots** ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/96996793/5b85dec5-16f7-438d-9d64-fdb3d22556cb) Slot checks remain functional (this weapon is left hand only): ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/96996793/44407913-7834-4203-91b0-8c2a6750a1f7) **Character info:** ``` Tinkerfite [110 MartialArtist] ------------------------------------ strength 919 stamina 842 agility 1109 sense 1036 psychic 861 intelligence 884 flags 8917569 monsterscale 100 currentnano 6563 headmesh 40242 cash 134 gmlevel 255 expansion 3 fatness 2 breed 2 visualbreed 2 profession 2 visualprofession 2 level 110 sex 3 visualsex 3 titlelevel 4 health 10059 equippedweapontype 1 EquippedRHWeapon 1 exitstatel -1073675336 externaldoorinstance -418378693 externalplayfieldinstance 3131 playfieldtype 0 martialarts 1839 selectedtarget 1092 currentncu 0 nextxp 52444450 xp 49967855 lastsaved 49967850 nanoenergypool 1242 brawl 757 riposte 703 dimach 760 adventuring 477 swim 457 onehandbluntweapons 488 onehandedgedweapon 504 piercing 532 twohandbluntweapons 505 twohandedgedweapons 507 meleeenergyweapon 308 parry 583 sneakattack 486 meleemultiple 488 fastattack 471 throwingknife 411 grenade 258 throwngrapplingweapons 405 bow 605 pistol 269 assaultrifle 242 submachinegun 241 shotgun 258 rifle 324 lr_energyweapon 288 flingshot 277 aimedshot 559 burst 249 fullauto 222 bowspecialattack 380 lr_multipleweapon 284 closecombatinitiative -267 distanceweaponinitiative -552 physicalprowessinitiative 833 nanoprowessinitiative 1266 dodge 1885 evade 1905 duck 1895 nanoac 220 mechanicalengineering 249 electricalengineering 318 fieldquantumphysics 355 weaponsmithing 225 pharmaceuticals 370 nanoprogramming 431 computerliteracy 1646 psychology 240 chemistry 298 tutoring 448 materialmetamorphose 1444 biologicalmetamorphose 1454 psychologicalmodification 1451 materialcreation 515 materiallocation 1457 senseimprovement 1453 firstaid 529 treatment 1470 concealment 582 breakingentry 253 disarmtrap 310 perception 522 driveair 255 driveground 393 drivewater 255 mapnavigation 376 lastxp 49967850 bodydevelopment 1433 runspeed 1846 side 1 alignment 1750 maxnanoenergy 6013 secondaryitemtemplate 207108 isfightingme 0 selectedtargettype 0 charstate 0 specialization 15 aggdef -100 currentmovementmode 3 waitstate 1 life 10059 summonedfrom_pf 565 summonedfrom_x 1562 summonedfrom_y 31 summonedfrom_z 2700 maxncu 598 race 1 accountflags 1234567890 monsterdata 0 VisualFlags 31 clan 0 meleedamagemodifier 308 poisondamagemodifier 290 firedamagemodifier 538 colddamagemodifier 290 projectiledamagemodifier 290 energydamagemodifier 290 chemicaldamagemodifier 290 radiationdamagemodifier 301 procinitiative1 3 procchance1 50 procnano1 233825 criticaldecrease 14 dmsmodifier 512 team 0 reflectreturnedfireac 20 reflectfireac 2 projectileac 10502 energyac 10402 meleeac 10502 coldac 10502 fireac 7442 chemicalac 10502 radiationac 10502 poisonac 7442 xpmodifier 17 amsmodifier 116 beltslots 6 npcostmodifier -15 criticalincrease 15 rangeincreaserweapon 45 healdelta 114 shieldradiationac 43 shieldenergyac 43 shieldfireac 43 shieldprojectileac 43 shieldpoisonac 43 shieldmeleeac 43 shieldcoldac 43 shieldchemicalac 43 state 0 unarmedtemplateinstance 0 invaderskilled 0 killedbyinvaders 0 vp 0 unsavedxp 0 nanofocuslevel 0 shadowbreedtemplate 0 shadowbreed 0 lastperkresettime 0 socialstatus 0 playeroptions 0 tempsaveteamid 0 tempsaveplayfield 0 tempsavex 0 tempsavey 0 PVPDuelKills 0 PVPDuelDeaths 0 PVPProfessionDuelKills 0 PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 0 PVPRankedSoloKills 0 PVPRankedSoloDeaths 0 PVPRankedTeamKills 0 PVPRankedTeamDeaths 0 PVPSoloScore 0 PVPTeamScore 0 PVPDuelScore 0 unreadmailcount 0 lastmailchecktime 1283065897 savedxp 0 features 6 apartmentsallowed 1 apartmentsowned 0 lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 0 mapoptions 0 mapareapart1 0 mapareapart2 0 mapareapart3 0 mapareapart4 0 missionbits1 0 missionbits2 0 missionbits3 0 missionbits4 0 missionbits5 0 missionbits6 0 missionbits7 0 missionbits8 0 missionbits9 0 missionbits10 0 missionbits11 0 missionbits12 0 sessiontime 1234567890 autoattackflags 5 personalresearchlevel 0 globalresearchlevel 0 personalresearchgoal 0 globalresearchgoal 0 battlestationside 0 battlestationrep 10 members 999 veteranpoints 0 monthspaid 0 PaidPoints 0 xpkillrange 5 inplay 0 attitude 0 icon 0 mesh 17530 deadtimer 0 lastsavexp 0 currentmass 0 itemtype 0 previoushealth 50 currentstate 0 age 0 attackspeed 5 metatype 0 rp 0 specialcondition 1 sk 0 clanredeemed 0 clanconserver 0 clandevoted 0 otunredeemed 0 otoperator 0 otfollowers 0 gos 0 clanvanguards 0 ottrans 0 clangaia 0 otmed 1234567890 clansentinels 0 otarmedforces 0 playerid 1234567890 alienlevel 0 aliennextxp 1500 alienxp 0 insurancepercentage 0 prevmovementmode 3 teamside 0 absorbprojectileac 0 absorbmeleeac 0 absorbenergyac 0 absorbchemicalac 0 absorbradiationac 0 absorbcoldac 0 absorbnanoac 0 absorbfireac 0 absorbpoisonac 0 temporaryskillreduction 0 insurancetime 0 mapflags 0 changesidecount 0 healinterval 1 nanointerval 1 ------------------------------------ .getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Tinkerfite. ``` **Playfield info:** ``` Copy/paste the output of Shift+F9 here ``` ----
portalerprk commented 2024-02-12 21:52:28 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Not sure if my current changes have fixed this or not.. I can't seem to repro it.


Not sure if my current changes have fixed this or not.. I can't seem to repro it. ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/60405799/6da90232-e089-4ba4-adb9-0714901b4ce2)
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-02-13 02:30:57 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

This does indeed appear to be fixed. Closing.

This does indeed appear to be fixed. Closing.
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1 Participants
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Reference: prk/issues#596
No description provided.