Title Levels are incorrect for Levels 1 - 4 #606

opened 2024-02-17 14:52:51 +01:00 by RaggyLP · 7 comments
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 14:52:51 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Describe the bug
Player Title Levels throw a LDBintern error on the Info screen from levels 1 - 4, which also directly affects item equipping with TL reqs.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. .set level 1
  2. Press 'T' on the player.

Expected behavior
Levels 1 - 4 should be Title Level 1.


Character info:

Raggy2 [4 Trader]
    strength 	805
    stamina 	692
    agility 	985
    sense 	941
    psychic 	998
    intelligence 	1239
    flags 	8917569
    monsterscale 	100
    currentnano 	10799
    headmesh 	223891
    cash 	899999971
    gmlevel 	255
    expansion 	3
    breed 	2
    visualbreed 	2
    profession 	7
    visualprofession 	7
    level 	4
    sex 	2
    visualsex 	2
    health 	3920
    titlelevel 	0
    equippedweapontype 	1
    EquippedRHWeapon 	1
    selectedtarget 	1139
    nextxp 	11150
    xp 	7150
    lastsaved 	7150
    lastxp 	7150
    bodydevelopment 	1113
    nanoenergypool 	1429
    duck 	1250
    dodge 	1278
    evade 	1332
    waitstate 	1
    maxnanoenergy 	4856
    shotgun 	1438
    weaponsmithing 	580
    materialcreation 	581
    psychology 	567
    nanoprogramming 	529
    materiallocation 	572
    flingshot 	524
    electricalengineering 	483
    mapnavigation 	541
    tutoring 	563
    driveair 	527
    nanoprowessinitiative 	459
    chemistry 	461
    computerliteracy 	584
    driveground 	527
    drivewater 	527
    fieldquantumphysics 	499
    perception 	532
    pharmaceuticals 	517
    psychologicalmodification 	569
    senseimprovement 	508
    treatment 	550
    mechanicalengineering 	498
    concealment 	513
    pistol 	519
    firstaid 	452
    materialmetamorphose 	489
    biologicalmetamorphose 	434
    nanoac 	536
    fullauto 	326
    swim 	248
    adventuring 	215
    piercing 	298
    breakingentry 	326
    parry 	303
    disarmtrap 	335
    throwngrapplingweapons 	420
    submachinegun 	429
    grenade 	446
    assaultrifle 	430
    bowspecialattack 	320
    throwingknife 	318
    aimedshot 	290
    burst 	273
    distanceweaponinitiative 	301
    exitstatel 	-1073740870
    externaldoorinstance 	0
    externalplayfieldinstance 	0
    currentncu 	0
    runspeed 	1391
    playfieldtype 	0
    side 	1
    metatype 	1750
    isfightingme 	0
    martialarts 	238
    brawl 	189
    riposte 	240
    dimach 	238
    onehandbluntweapons 	194
    onehandedgedweapon 	210
    twohandbluntweapons 	187
    twohandedgedweapons 	189
    meleeenergyweapon 	241
    sneakattack 	263
    meleemultiple 	225
    fastattack 	241
    bow 	232
    rifle 	241
    lr_energyweapon 	255
    lr_multipleweapon 	271
    closecombatinitiative 	246
    physicalprowessinitiative 	246
    accountflags 	0
    maxncu 	88
    selectedtargettype 	0
    fatness 	1
    race 	1
    life 	3374
    monsterdata 	0
    VisualFlags 	31
    currentmovementmode 	3
    clan 	0
    healinterval 	6
    nanointerval 	1
    team 	0
    meleeac 	1200
    projectileac 	1500
    energyac 	1800
    fireac 	1698
    coldac 	1718
    radiationac 	2011
    chemicalac 	1411
    poisonac 	1688
    projectiledamagemodifier 	21
    xpmodifier 	6
    npcostmodifier 	-8
    healdelta 	123
    nanodelta 	116
    dmsmodifier 	343
    skilllockmodifier 	-7
    rangeincreasernf 	31
    interruptmodifier 	9
    amsmodifier 	21
    rangeincreaserweapon 	7
    firedamagemodifier 	19
    poisondamagemodifier 	19
    radiationdamagemodifier 	19
    chemicaldamagemodifier 	19
    aggdef 	100
    state 	0
    unarmedtemplateinstance 	0
    invaderskilled 	0
    killedbyinvaders 	0
    vp 	0
    unsavedxp 	0
    nanofocuslevel 	0
    specialization 	0
    shadowbreedtemplate 	0
    shadowbreed 	0
    lastperkresettime 	0
    socialstatus 	0
    playeroptions 	0
    tempsaveteamid 	0
    tempsaveplayfield 	0
    tempsavex 	0
    tempsavey 	0
    PVPDuelKills 	0
    PVPDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelKills 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedSoloKills 	0
    PVPRankedSoloDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedTeamKills 	0
    PVPRankedTeamDeaths 	0
    PVPSoloScore 	0
    PVPTeamScore 	0
    PVPDuelScore 	0
    unreadmailcount 	0
    lastmailchecktime 	1283065897
    savedxp 	0
    features 	6
    apartmentsallowed 	1
    apartmentsowned 	0
    lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 	0
    mapoptions 	0
    mapareapart1 	0
    mapareapart2 	0
    mapareapart3 	0
    mapareapart4 	0
    missionbits1 	0
    missionbits2 	0
    missionbits3 	0
    missionbits4 	0
    missionbits5 	0
    missionbits6 	0
    missionbits7 	0
    missionbits8 	0
    missionbits9 	0
    missionbits10 	0
    missionbits11 	0
    missionbits12 	0
    sessiontime 	1234567890
    autoattackflags 	5
    personalresearchlevel 	0
    globalresearchlevel 	0
    personalresearchgoal 	0
    globalresearchgoal 	0
    battlestationside 	0
    battlestationrep 	10
    members 	999
    veteranpoints 	0
    monthspaid 	0
    PaidPoints 	0
    xpkillrange 	5
    inplay 	0
    attitude 	0
    alignment 	0
    icon 	0
    mesh 	17530
    deadtimer 	0
    lastsavexp 	0
    currentmass 	0
    itemtype 	0
    previoushealth 	50
    currentstate 	0
    age 	0
    attackspeed 	5
    rp 	0
    specialcondition 	1
    sk 	0
    clanredeemed 	0
    clanconserver 	0
    clandevoted 	0
    otunredeemed 	0
    otoperator 	0
    otfollowers 	0
    gos 	0
    clanvanguards 	0
    ottrans 	0
    clangaia 	0
    otmed 	1234567890
    clansentinels 	0
    otarmedforces 	0
    playerid 	1234567890
    alienlevel 	0
    aliennextxp 	1500
    alienxp 	0
    insurancepercentage 	0
    prevmovementmode 	3
    teamside 	0
    beltslots 	0
    absorbprojectileac 	0
    absorbmeleeac 	0
    absorbenergyac 	0
    absorbchemicalac 	0
    absorbradiationac 	0
    absorbcoldac 	0
    absorbnanoac 	0
    absorbfireac 	0
    absorbpoisonac 	0
    temporaryskillreduction 	0
    insurancetime 	0
    mapflags 	0
    changesidecount 	0

.getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Raggy2.

**Describe the bug** Player Title Levels throw a LDBintern error on the Info screen from levels 1 - 4, which also directly affects item equipping with TL reqs. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. ```.set level 1``` 2. Press 'T' on the player. **Expected behavior** Levels 1 - 4 should be Title Level 1. **Screenshots** ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/f9440e62-42d0-41b8-856d-dafd8c64c958) **Character info:** ``` Raggy2 [4 Trader] ------------------------------------ strength 805 stamina 692 agility 985 sense 941 psychic 998 intelligence 1239 flags 8917569 monsterscale 100 currentnano 10799 headmesh 223891 cash 899999971 gmlevel 255 expansion 3 breed 2 visualbreed 2 profession 7 visualprofession 7 level 4 sex 2 visualsex 2 health 3920 titlelevel 0 equippedweapontype 1 EquippedRHWeapon 1 selectedtarget 1139 nextxp 11150 xp 7150 lastsaved 7150 lastxp 7150 bodydevelopment 1113 nanoenergypool 1429 duck 1250 dodge 1278 evade 1332 waitstate 1 maxnanoenergy 4856 shotgun 1438 weaponsmithing 580 materialcreation 581 psychology 567 nanoprogramming 529 materiallocation 572 flingshot 524 electricalengineering 483 mapnavigation 541 tutoring 563 driveair 527 nanoprowessinitiative 459 chemistry 461 computerliteracy 584 driveground 527 drivewater 527 fieldquantumphysics 499 perception 532 pharmaceuticals 517 psychologicalmodification 569 senseimprovement 508 treatment 550 mechanicalengineering 498 concealment 513 pistol 519 firstaid 452 materialmetamorphose 489 biologicalmetamorphose 434 nanoac 536 fullauto 326 swim 248 adventuring 215 piercing 298 breakingentry 326 parry 303 disarmtrap 335 throwngrapplingweapons 420 submachinegun 429 grenade 446 assaultrifle 430 bowspecialattack 320 throwingknife 318 aimedshot 290 burst 273 distanceweaponinitiative 301 exitstatel -1073740870 externaldoorinstance 0 externalplayfieldinstance 0 currentncu 0 runspeed 1391 playfieldtype 0 side 1 metatype 1750 isfightingme 0 martialarts 238 brawl 189 riposte 240 dimach 238 onehandbluntweapons 194 onehandedgedweapon 210 twohandbluntweapons 187 twohandedgedweapons 189 meleeenergyweapon 241 sneakattack 263 meleemultiple 225 fastattack 241 bow 232 rifle 241 lr_energyweapon 255 lr_multipleweapon 271 closecombatinitiative 246 physicalprowessinitiative 246 accountflags 0 maxncu 88 selectedtargettype 0 fatness 1 race 1 life 3374 monsterdata 0 VisualFlags 31 currentmovementmode 3 clan 0 healinterval 6 nanointerval 1 team 0 meleeac 1200 projectileac 1500 energyac 1800 fireac 1698 coldac 1718 radiationac 2011 chemicalac 1411 poisonac 1688 projectiledamagemodifier 21 xpmodifier 6 npcostmodifier -8 healdelta 123 nanodelta 116 dmsmodifier 343 skilllockmodifier -7 rangeincreasernf 31 interruptmodifier 9 amsmodifier 21 rangeincreaserweapon 7 firedamagemodifier 19 poisondamagemodifier 19 radiationdamagemodifier 19 chemicaldamagemodifier 19 aggdef 100 state 0 unarmedtemplateinstance 0 invaderskilled 0 killedbyinvaders 0 vp 0 unsavedxp 0 nanofocuslevel 0 specialization 0 shadowbreedtemplate 0 shadowbreed 0 lastperkresettime 0 socialstatus 0 playeroptions 0 tempsaveteamid 0 tempsaveplayfield 0 tempsavex 0 tempsavey 0 PVPDuelKills 0 PVPDuelDeaths 0 PVPProfessionDuelKills 0 PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 0 PVPRankedSoloKills 0 PVPRankedSoloDeaths 0 PVPRankedTeamKills 0 PVPRankedTeamDeaths 0 PVPSoloScore 0 PVPTeamScore 0 PVPDuelScore 0 unreadmailcount 0 lastmailchecktime 1283065897 savedxp 0 features 6 apartmentsallowed 1 apartmentsowned 0 lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 0 mapoptions 0 mapareapart1 0 mapareapart2 0 mapareapart3 0 mapareapart4 0 missionbits1 0 missionbits2 0 missionbits3 0 missionbits4 0 missionbits5 0 missionbits6 0 missionbits7 0 missionbits8 0 missionbits9 0 missionbits10 0 missionbits11 0 missionbits12 0 sessiontime 1234567890 autoattackflags 5 personalresearchlevel 0 globalresearchlevel 0 personalresearchgoal 0 globalresearchgoal 0 battlestationside 0 battlestationrep 10 members 999 veteranpoints 0 monthspaid 0 PaidPoints 0 xpkillrange 5 inplay 0 attitude 0 alignment 0 icon 0 mesh 17530 deadtimer 0 lastsavexp 0 currentmass 0 itemtype 0 previoushealth 50 currentstate 0 age 0 attackspeed 5 rp 0 specialcondition 1 sk 0 clanredeemed 0 clanconserver 0 clandevoted 0 otunredeemed 0 otoperator 0 otfollowers 0 gos 0 clanvanguards 0 ottrans 0 clangaia 0 otmed 1234567890 clansentinels 0 otarmedforces 0 playerid 1234567890 alienlevel 0 aliennextxp 1500 alienxp 0 insurancepercentage 0 prevmovementmode 3 teamside 0 beltslots 0 absorbprojectileac 0 absorbmeleeac 0 absorbenergyac 0 absorbchemicalac 0 absorbradiationac 0 absorbcoldac 0 absorbnanoac 0 absorbfireac 0 absorbpoisonac 0 temporaryskillreduction 0 insurancetime 0 mapflags 0 changesidecount 0 ------------------------------------ .getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Raggy2. ```
portalerprk commented 2024-02-17 15:03:27 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)


RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 15:05:15 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)
Breed: Atrox
Gender: Uni
Profession title: Courier (TitleLevel 1)
Profession: Trader
Level: 1


From Live.

```"Raggyspony" Breed: Atrox Gender: Uni Profession title: Courier (TitleLevel 1) Profession: Trader Level: 1 ``` ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/c5567b52-d19b-44fc-9824-84638112554d) From Live.
portalerprk commented 2024-02-17 15:10:43 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

I think we'll likely keep TL1 at level 5 for now. Thats what the client seems to want. If thats driven by RDB we can adjust perhaps.. but not sure thats the right choice or not. If its not in the RDB it will be more challenging to fix.

I think we'll likely keep TL1 at level 5 for now. Thats what the client seems to want. If thats driven by RDB we can adjust perhaps.. but not sure thats the right choice or not. If its not in the RDB it will be more challenging to fix.
TheTinkeringIdiot commented 2024-02-17 15:17:39 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Confirmed. Title Level 1 is displayed as what looks like an error message. Perhaps TL is set to 0, rather than 1?


Confirmed. Title Level 1 is displayed as what looks like an error message. Perhaps TL is set to 0, rather than 1? ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/96996793/8a09bc25-5a74-4ac3-a6ae-75fc8a836a52)
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 15:19:13 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Doing some scouring of the forums, as far back as 2003, people are calling TL1 L1-14. The TL0 situation could be some array wizardry. This won't directly affect much, but could impact low-level twinking in the future.

Doing some scouring of the forums, as far back as 2003, people are calling TL1 L1-14. The TL0 situation could be some array wizardry. This won't directly affect _much_, but could impact low-level twinking in the future.
portalerprk commented 2024-02-17 17:10:21 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

This should be resolved again.

This should be resolved again.
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-17 17:37:50 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Confirmed fixed as of 16:37 UTC - 17/02/24


Items that check TL1 reqs also respect the fix. Nice one Portaler :)

Confirmed fixed as of 16:37 UTC - 17/02/24 ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/9a83a6f1-9b9d-4bae-b918-b1a3fa7db92e) Items that check TL1 reqs also respect the fix. Nice one Portaler :)
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1 Participants
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Reference: prk/issues#606
No description provided.