Looting items isn't reflected in the player inventory. #635

opened 2024-02-24 23:06:40 +01:00 by RaggyLP · 5 comments
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-24 23:06:40 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Describe the bug
When looting an item, the player inventory isn't updated, nor is the mob loot window. This is registered on the server however as a chat output detailing the item being looted is sent to the chat window and relogging/zoning will update the client's inventory.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Kill a mob
  2. Loot an item
  3. Notice the lack of loot window/inventory update.

Expected behavior
Both the loot window and the inventory should be updated to reflect the new situation.


Character info:

Raggy [15 Trader]
    strength 	842
    stamina 	826
    agility 	1133
    sense 	1100
    psychic 	919
    intelligence 	931
    flags 	13111873
    monsterscale 	100
    currentnano 	12802
    headmesh 	223891
    cash 	11502
    gmlevel 	255
    expansion 	3
    breed 	2
    visualbreed 	2
    profession 	7
    visualprofession 	7
    level 	15
    sex 	2
    visualsex 	2
    titlelevel 	2
    health 	7435
    equippedweapontype 	8196
    EquippedRHWeapon 	8196
    selectedtarget 	1028
    nextxp 	90550
    xp 	82195
    lastsaved 	80150
    treatment 	1471
    lastxp 	80150
    currentncu 	0
    runspeed 	1760
    senseimprovement 	1472
    biologicalmetamorphose 	1452
    psychologicalmodification 	1540
    materialcreation 	1493
    materiallocation 	1508
    nanoprowessinitiative 	1540
    shotgun 	1784
    distanceweaponinitiative 	720
    computerliteracy 	1682
    nanoenergypool 	1552
    martialarts 	257
    brawl 	213
    riposte 	284
    dimach 	270
    adventuring 	387
    swim 	414
    onehandbluntweapons 	221
    onehandedgedweapon 	243
    piercing 	333
    twohandbluntweapons 	213
    twohandedgedweapons 	213
    meleeenergyweapon 	224
    parry 	332
    sneakattack 	271
    meleemultiple 	258
    fastattack 	284
    throwingknife 	350
    grenade 	506
    throwngrapplingweapons 	446
    bow 	2516
    pistol 	614
    assaultrifle 	503
    submachinegun 	497
    rifle 	319
    lr_energyweapon 	347
    flingshot 	613
    aimedshot 	665
    burst 	336
    fullauto 	435
    bowspecialattack 	360
    lr_multipleweapon 	984
    closecombatinitiative 	-110
    physicalprowessinitiative 	-110
    dodge 	1515
    evade 	1515
    duck 	590
    nanoac 	548
    mechanicalengineering 	608
    electricalengineering 	674
    fieldquantumphysics 	651
    weaponsmithing 	561
    pharmaceuticals 	497
    nanoprogramming 	732
    psychology 	563
    chemistry 	504
    tutoring 	530
    materialmetamorphose 	529
    firstaid 	477
    concealment 	697
    breakingentry 	362
    disarmtrap 	366
    perception 	542
    driveair 	548
    driveground 	548
    drivewater 	548
    mapnavigation 	528
    maxnanoenergy 	8982
    side 	1
    selectedtargettype 	0
    charstate 	0
    exitstatel 	-1073740870
    externaldoorinstance 	0
    externalplayfieldinstance 	0
    playfieldtype 	0
    isfightingme 	0
    life 	7435
    waitstate 	2
    bodydevelopment 	1146
    expansionplayfield 	0
    secondaryitemtemplate 	258760
    specialization 	15
    alignment 	1750
    shadowbreedtemplate 	215411
    lastsavexp 	10400
    accountflags 	0
    ip 	-24984544
    mapoptions 	18
    maxncu 	630
    fatness 	1
    race 	1
    monsterdata 	0
    VisualFlags 	31
    currentmovementmode 	3
    clan 	0
    healdelta 	175
    nanodelta 	131
    procinitiative1 	4
    procnano1 	210950
    procchance1 	25
    meleedamagemodifier 	60
    poisondamagemodifier 	89
    firedamagemodifier 	79
    nanodamagemodifier 	4
    colddamagemodifier 	60
    projectiledamagemodifier 	107
    energydamagemodifier 	70
    chemicaldamagemodifier 	89
    radiationdamagemodifier 	79
    team 	0
    meleeac 	5423
    projectileac 	7373
    energyac 	9123
    fireac 	6617
    coldac 	8276
    radiationac 	10024
    chemicalac 	6324
    poisonac 	7584
    amsmodifier 	66
    dmsmodifier 	423
    xpmodifier 	24
    criticalincrease 	17
    reflectreturnedchemicalac 	20
    reflectchemicalac 	0
    shieldmeleeac 	10
    shieldprojectileac 	10
    shieldenergyac 	10
    shieldfireac 	10
    shieldcoldac 	10
    shieldchemicalac 	10
    shieldradiationac 	10
    shieldpoisonac 	10
    beltslots 	6
    rangeincreaserweapon 	54
    npcostmodifier 	-25
    skilllockmodifier 	-35
    rangeincreasernf 	31
    interruptmodifier 	31
    aggdef 	100
    state 	0
    unarmedtemplateinstance 	0
    invaderskilled 	0
    killedbyinvaders 	0
    vp 	0
    unsavedxp 	0
    nanofocuslevel 	0
    shadowbreed 	21
    lastperkresettime 	0
    socialstatus 	0
    playeroptions 	0
    tempsaveteamid 	0
    tempsaveplayfield 	0
    tempsavex 	0
    tempsavey 	0
    PVPDuelKills 	0
    PVPDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelKills 	0
    PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedSoloKills 	0
    PVPRankedSoloDeaths 	0
    PVPRankedTeamKills 	0
    PVPRankedTeamDeaths 	0
    PVPSoloScore 	0
    PVPTeamScore 	0
    PVPDuelScore 	0
    unreadmailcount 	0
    lastmailchecktime 	1283065897
    savedxp 	0
    features 	6
    apartmentsallowed 	1
    apartmentsowned 	0
    lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 	0
    mapareapart1 	0
    mapareapart2 	0
    mapareapart3 	0
    mapareapart4 	0
    missionbits1 	0
    missionbits2 	0
    missionbits3 	0
    missionbits4 	0
    missionbits5 	0
    missionbits6 	0
    missionbits7 	0
    missionbits8 	0
    missionbits9 	0
    missionbits10 	0
    missionbits11 	0
    missionbits12 	0
    sessiontime 	1234567890
    autoattackflags 	5
    personalresearchlevel 	0
    globalresearchlevel 	0
    personalresearchgoal 	0
    globalresearchgoal 	0
    battlestationside 	0
    battlestationrep 	10
    members 	999
    veteranpoints 	0
    monthspaid 	0
    PaidPoints 	0
    xpkillrange 	5
    inplay 	0
    attitude 	0
    icon 	0
    mesh 	17530
    deadtimer 	0
    currentmass 	0
    itemtype 	0
    previoushealth 	50
    currentstate 	0
    age 	0
    attackspeed 	5
    metatype 	0
    rp 	0
    specialcondition 	1
    sk 	0
    clanredeemed 	0
    clanconserver 	0
    clandevoted 	0
    otunredeemed 	0
    otoperator 	0
    otfollowers 	0
    gos 	0
    clanvanguards 	0
    ottrans 	0
    clangaia 	0
    otmed 	1234567890
    clansentinels 	0
    otarmedforces 	0
    playerid 	1234567890
    alienlevel 	0
    aliennextxp 	1500
    alienxp 	0
    insurancepercentage 	0
    prevmovementmode 	3
    teamside 	0
    absorbprojectileac 	0
    absorbmeleeac 	0
    absorbenergyac 	0
    absorbchemicalac 	0
    absorbradiationac 	0
    absorbcoldac 	0
    absorbnanoac 	0
    absorbfireac 	0
    absorbpoisonac 	0
    temporaryskillreduction 	0
    insurancetime 	0
    mapflags 	0
    changesidecount 	0
    healinterval 	1
    nanointerval 	1
    damageoverridetype 	0
    specialattackshield 	0
    xppool 	0

.getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Raggy.

**Describe the bug** When looting an item, the player inventory isn't updated, nor is the mob loot window. This is registered on the server however as a chat output detailing the item being looted is sent to the chat window and relogging/zoning will update the client's inventory. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Kill a mob 2. Loot an item 3. Notice the lack of loot window/inventory update. **Expected behavior** Both the loot window and the inventory should be updated to reflect the new situation. **Screenshots** ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/91b46871-bb43-4121-9d0e-185036e93ede) **Character info:** ``` Raggy [15 Trader] ------------------------------------ strength 842 stamina 826 agility 1133 sense 1100 psychic 919 intelligence 931 flags 13111873 monsterscale 100 currentnano 12802 headmesh 223891 cash 11502 gmlevel 255 expansion 3 breed 2 visualbreed 2 profession 7 visualprofession 7 level 15 sex 2 visualsex 2 titlelevel 2 health 7435 equippedweapontype 8196 EquippedRHWeapon 8196 selectedtarget 1028 nextxp 90550 xp 82195 lastsaved 80150 treatment 1471 lastxp 80150 currentncu 0 runspeed 1760 senseimprovement 1472 biologicalmetamorphose 1452 psychologicalmodification 1540 materialcreation 1493 materiallocation 1508 nanoprowessinitiative 1540 shotgun 1784 distanceweaponinitiative 720 computerliteracy 1682 nanoenergypool 1552 martialarts 257 brawl 213 riposte 284 dimach 270 adventuring 387 swim 414 onehandbluntweapons 221 onehandedgedweapon 243 piercing 333 twohandbluntweapons 213 twohandedgedweapons 213 meleeenergyweapon 224 parry 332 sneakattack 271 meleemultiple 258 fastattack 284 throwingknife 350 grenade 506 throwngrapplingweapons 446 bow 2516 pistol 614 assaultrifle 503 submachinegun 497 rifle 319 lr_energyweapon 347 flingshot 613 aimedshot 665 burst 336 fullauto 435 bowspecialattack 360 lr_multipleweapon 984 closecombatinitiative -110 physicalprowessinitiative -110 dodge 1515 evade 1515 duck 590 nanoac 548 mechanicalengineering 608 electricalengineering 674 fieldquantumphysics 651 weaponsmithing 561 pharmaceuticals 497 nanoprogramming 732 psychology 563 chemistry 504 tutoring 530 materialmetamorphose 529 firstaid 477 concealment 697 breakingentry 362 disarmtrap 366 perception 542 driveair 548 driveground 548 drivewater 548 mapnavigation 528 maxnanoenergy 8982 side 1 selectedtargettype 0 charstate 0 exitstatel -1073740870 externaldoorinstance 0 externalplayfieldinstance 0 playfieldtype 0 isfightingme 0 life 7435 waitstate 2 bodydevelopment 1146 expansionplayfield 0 secondaryitemtemplate 258760 specialization 15 alignment 1750 shadowbreedtemplate 215411 lastsavexp 10400 accountflags 0 ip -24984544 mapoptions 18 maxncu 630 fatness 1 race 1 monsterdata 0 VisualFlags 31 currentmovementmode 3 clan 0 healdelta 175 nanodelta 131 procinitiative1 4 procnano1 210950 procchance1 25 meleedamagemodifier 60 poisondamagemodifier 89 firedamagemodifier 79 nanodamagemodifier 4 colddamagemodifier 60 projectiledamagemodifier 107 energydamagemodifier 70 chemicaldamagemodifier 89 radiationdamagemodifier 79 team 0 meleeac 5423 projectileac 7373 energyac 9123 fireac 6617 coldac 8276 radiationac 10024 chemicalac 6324 poisonac 7584 amsmodifier 66 dmsmodifier 423 xpmodifier 24 criticalincrease 17 reflectreturnedchemicalac 20 reflectchemicalac 0 shieldmeleeac 10 shieldprojectileac 10 shieldenergyac 10 shieldfireac 10 shieldcoldac 10 shieldchemicalac 10 shieldradiationac 10 shieldpoisonac 10 beltslots 6 rangeincreaserweapon 54 npcostmodifier -25 skilllockmodifier -35 rangeincreasernf 31 interruptmodifier 31 aggdef 100 state 0 unarmedtemplateinstance 0 invaderskilled 0 killedbyinvaders 0 vp 0 unsavedxp 0 nanofocuslevel 0 shadowbreed 21 lastperkresettime 0 socialstatus 0 playeroptions 0 tempsaveteamid 0 tempsaveplayfield 0 tempsavex 0 tempsavey 0 PVPDuelKills 0 PVPDuelDeaths 0 PVPProfessionDuelKills 0 PVPProfessionDuelDeaths 0 PVPRankedSoloKills 0 PVPRankedSoloDeaths 0 PVPRankedTeamKills 0 PVPRankedTeamDeaths 0 PVPSoloScore 0 PVPTeamScore 0 PVPDuelScore 0 unreadmailcount 0 lastmailchecktime 1283065897 savedxp 0 features 6 apartmentsallowed 1 apartmentsowned 0 lastconcreteplayfieldinstance 0 mapareapart1 0 mapareapart2 0 mapareapart3 0 mapareapart4 0 missionbits1 0 missionbits2 0 missionbits3 0 missionbits4 0 missionbits5 0 missionbits6 0 missionbits7 0 missionbits8 0 missionbits9 0 missionbits10 0 missionbits11 0 missionbits12 0 sessiontime 1234567890 autoattackflags 5 personalresearchlevel 0 globalresearchlevel 0 personalresearchgoal 0 globalresearchgoal 0 battlestationside 0 battlestationrep 10 members 999 veteranpoints 0 monthspaid 0 PaidPoints 0 xpkillrange 5 inplay 0 attitude 0 icon 0 mesh 17530 deadtimer 0 currentmass 0 itemtype 0 previoushealth 50 currentstate 0 age 0 attackspeed 5 metatype 0 rp 0 specialcondition 1 sk 0 clanredeemed 0 clanconserver 0 clandevoted 0 otunredeemed 0 otoperator 0 otfollowers 0 gos 0 clanvanguards 0 ottrans 0 clangaia 0 otmed 1234567890 clansentinels 0 otarmedforces 0 playerid 1234567890 alienlevel 0 aliennextxp 1500 alienxp 0 insurancepercentage 0 prevmovementmode 3 teamside 0 absorbprojectileac 0 absorbmeleeac 0 absorbenergyac 0 absorbchemicalac 0 absorbradiationac 0 absorbcoldac 0 absorbnanoac 0 absorbfireac 0 absorbpoisonac 0 temporaryskillreduction 0 insurancetime 0 mapflags 0 changesidecount 0 healinterval 1 nanointerval 1 damageoverridetype 0 specialattackshield 0 xppool 0 ------------------------------------ .getfull succeeded - Listed all stats for Raggy. ```
portalerprk commented 2024-02-25 16:08:28 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Good spot. Fixed just now in https://github.com/project-rubika/engines/pull/408 updates rolling out.

Good spot. Fixed just now in https://github.com/project-rubika/engines/pull/408 updates rolling out.
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-25 16:19:03 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Confirmed fixed as of 15:18 UTC - 25/02/24


Confirmed fixed as of 15:18 UTC - 25/02/24 ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/60061655-f241-4be4-bfa2-82901f95388f)
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-25 17:59:08 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

The issue still seems to be present on a few items. The majority seem to be pulled across to the inventory correctly, but, not all. The 'Beers' and such in Subway being the primary candidates, but in this pic you can see that also the gun isn't moved across.


The issue still seems to be present on a few items. The majority seem to be pulled across to the inventory correctly, but, not all. The 'Beers' and such in Subway being the primary candidates, but in this pic you can see that also the gun isn't moved across. ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/289de946-bf85-4a33-b936-5590af4e0ff6)
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-25 18:06:59 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

The extra items are updated on zoning. Guns in subway seem to overall be having this issue too though.


The extra items are updated on zoning. Guns in subway seem to overall be having this issue too though. ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/4a98a685-23d5-47e5-9dff-c8435dc69ef6)
RaggyLP commented 2024-02-26 23:13:09 +01:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Weapons and the 'beers' in Subway now move to the player inventory as expected. Tentatively marking this one as confirmed fixed as of 22:12 UTC - 26/02/24


Weapons and the 'beers' in Subway now move to the player inventory as expected. Tentatively marking this one as confirmed fixed as of 22:12 UTC - 26/02/24 ![image](https://github.com/project-rubika/issues/assets/156821187/72539c20-d728-4ace-aa37-2a649738660d)
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1 Participants
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Reference: prk/issues#635
No description provided.