• Joined on 2024-10-31
Praxis commented on issue prk/issues#1169 2024-11-03 00:12:41 +01:00
Monster level ranges and color codes* are not the same as live*

a small correction on my side, the red to green aren't exactly the same as team levels from what i've seen, but i currently can't confirm a clear range. might be closer to pvp-range.

Praxis commented on issue prk/issues#841 2024-10-31 03:49:00 +01:00
SL health/nano coils dont work in some places

(04:45) Extended location information: (04:45) - 137.2, 35.7, 20.0 (137.2 35.7 y 20.0 4211) (04:45) - Pf Proxy: Model=51100:4211 GS=0 SG=0 R=4211, resource: 4211 (04:45) - zone: 0, area:…

Praxis opened issue prk/issues#1171 2024-10-31 03:33:43 +01:00
Elysium Redeemed Temple Boss Spawn not working.
Praxis opened issue prk/issues#1170 2024-10-31 03:26:53 +01:00
[Shadowlands] On playfield sleep, monsters that have a timer before being open to get attacked, reset their timer.
Praxis commented on issue prk/issues#841 2024-10-31 03:05:56 +01:00
SL health/nano coils dont work in some places

Also the case for Redeemed temple, and spirits area before catacombs. (might also be the case for unredeemed temples, but i don't go attacking my own kind).

This area causes "lag" when fighting…

Praxis opened issue prk/issues#1169 2024-10-31 02:53:40 +01:00
Monster level ranges and color codes* are not the same as live*
Praxis opened issue prk/issues#1168 2024-10-31 02:36:45 +01:00
When buying multiple of the same item, stim kits, bags, anything. when clicking to remove 1 item from the buy stack, trade does not complete when pressing accept.